The Shetland Pony Welfare Trust Safeguarding Policy
The Shetland Pony Welfare Trust
Safeguarding Policy
1. Policy Statement
The Shetland Pony Welfare Trust (the Charity) reconise safeguarding as a key governance priority for all Charities regardless of size,type or income, and not just those working in groups who have traditionally been considered vulnerable or at risk, namely, children, young people and vulnerable adults. The charity is commited to encouraging the safety and wellbeing of all its staff,beneficiaries, volunteers and those connected to the activities of the charity.
The Policy aims too
- Promote and prioritise the safety and wellbeing of all staff,beneficiaries, volunteers,and others who come in contact with the Charity.
- Provide assurance that the Charity takes reasonable steps to manage safeguarding risks.
- Ensure that everybody understands their roles and responsibilities with regards to safeguarding matters.
- Ensure that appropriate action is taken in the event of any allegations or suspicions of harm from the Charities staff or volunteers
This Policy applies to all who work, volunteer or participate in activities for the Charity
Legislative protection exsists to ensure the safeguarding of those who are trypically considered to be vulnerable or at risk of abuse or neglect. This includes
- Children and young people under 18yrs of age
- Adults (aged 18yrs and over) who are considered to be vulnerable or at risk
The Charity may come into contact with young people under 18yrs of age for work experience activities, or in a voluntary capacity. In those circumstances the charity have a young persons risk assesment process which must be completed ahead of engagement with the young person.
The Charity will take all reasonable steps to safeguard and protect all beneficiaries from abuse or mistreatment by those working or volunteering for the Charity. The Charity will also take all reasonable steps to protect from harm all beneficiaries, employees,volunteers connected with the activities of the the Charity
The Charity will take a risk based approach to manage safeguarding concerns. Safeguarding will be built into the Charities risk management process by ensuring issues of safeguarding are considerd as part of the risk assessment process. Safeguarding will be included in the Charities risk register as a stand-alone risk and will be kept under review.
The Charity will ensure appropriate due diligence is undertaken on its partners, grant funders, sponsers,donors and when recruiting staff, volunteers and trustees