The Horse and Pony UK Re homing DATABASE has been set up to assist owners of all types of Equines who find it necessary to re-home their horse or pony on a permanent or temporary basis.
We are a Registered Equine Charity due to the current economic climate we have had a massive upsurge in people requiring our help. All Equine Charities are under pressure with many of them being full. Many owners had tried to sell their equines but in a recession, this proved very difficult if not impossible and ponies were being sold at horse sales for very little money or worse still abandoned
The Shetland Pony Welfare Trust has had numerous inquiries from owners who find themselves unable to continue to look after their Equines but do not want to sell them. This may be due to a temporary problem or in some cases, owners cannot see a way forward to continue to support their animals. However, on a more positive note, we also have many requests from people able to offer a loving permanent or temporary home to a companion or riding Pony. The Shetland Pony Welfare Trust has helped many owners by taking in and giving sanctuary to their ponies but being a small Organisation has limited space and resources.
Our Trustees and supporters decided that URGENT ACTION was needed there had to be a way to re-home horses and ponies in need. We decided that some form of the main database was required where horse and pony owners wishing to re-home their equine could connect with people who were prepared to become re-homers and offer a loving temporary or even forever home
The Shetland Pony Welfare Trust
This database will be managed by The Shetland Pony Welfare Trust A place for horse owners who find it necessary to re-home their equine to unite with experienced horse and pony re-homers..
HORSE AND PONY UK RE HOMING DATABASE will connect owners who would like to RE-HOME their Equine on a permanent loan, Temporary Loan, Foster Care or Sole Adoption Basis.With Potential re-homers who can offer a short, long-term or even a forever home
Owners will be able to personally meet and vet potential re-homers and decide where they would like to place their horse or pony.
Horse and Pony UK RE HOMING in conjunction with the Shetland Pony Welfare Trust Registered Charity will oversee the main database.
All owners and re-homers wishing to be included on the DATABASE must first Register and become a member of THE HORSE AND PONY RE-HOMING UK DATABASE
Members will then put forward details and photos or even videos of any Equines that they are seeking loving homes for which we will then enter into our DATA-BASE Only details of Equines and areas will be displayed on the site and personal information will only be released to both parties upon permission from both parties.
Equine Re-homers will be able to build their own profile which will be stored on the database to help them find a suitable Horse or Pony
Owners and Potential re-homers will then make their own mutual arrangements for viewing etc.
Should a match be found Horse and Pony Re-Homing and The Shetland Pony Welfare Trust will prepare a legally binding owner and re-homer contract with copies to be held on file at the DATABASE Headquarters
THE HORSE AND PONY UK RE-HOMING TEAM will also assist members with any equine insurance requirements, and ongoing support and advice where necessary.
HORSE AND PONY UK RE HOMING DATABASE has been set up to assist owners who do not want to sell their Equine and for Equine Re-homers who are in a position to offer an experienced and caring home either on a short long term or complete transfer of ownership basis.
This is a vital and unique service that will not only help owners who find themselves unable to take care of their HORSE OR PONY but also help to prevent more horses and ponies throughout the UK from ending up abandoned.
Please support THE SHETLAND PONY WELFARE TRUST BY BECOMING A MEMBER OF THE HORSE AND PONY UK RE HOMING DATABASE. Your Annual Membership fee is classed as a Donation and will go directly to the Shetland Pony Welfare Trust Registered Charity 1093364 to help us support the rescue and re-homing of more Equines
To Join or find out more about H & P Re-Homing Database just click on the Contact button to find out more INFO . Click on the top menu button of the website.